Your free gift is on its way to your inbox, but before you go, check out this very special offer, just for you!
Your introduction to the Brilliant Mindset Blueprint...
How To Master The Essential Mindset For A "Hyper Profitable" Business Within A Few Days. 
Thousands of people, Regardless of the Industry were never taught how to create a strong foundation for their business....
many of them fail within the first year.
Has the excitement worn off?

Are you still wondering how to gain endless amounts of clients?

Are you swirling in the struggle phase?

Are you feeling as if you're not where you want to be or that nothing has worked thus far?

Or are simply curious and unclear on how and where to get started?
Ever heard the statistic that 50% of Americans want to be self-employed, yet only 5% will make that dream come true... 
Maybe you’ve also heard that 50% of those businesses that do get started fail within the first 5 years?
Especially when it comes to your livelihood, the livelihood of your family and of course, your team or future team counting on you to make it work.

While there are countless possible reasons why a business will fail, or never gets off the ground in the first place… 

The biggest (and most overlooked) reason is making many of the wrong decisions BEFORE you even start your business. 
But even if you have started, if you're reading this now, then it's not too late. 
There is a SIMPLE solution....
I experienced hundreds of sleepless nights before discovering the patterns and secrets to success...

I smashed the walls over and over and over countless times before finding the solutions to the massive pain I was experiencing. 

Ever feel this way too?

All those sleepless nights, all those days of going to work with a deep pit in my stomach, and finally I figured it out...

Now I'm on a mission to help others just like you! 
Having a Focused Foundation and Clear Mindset is Essential!
Without the proper mindset and a clear strategy and plan, all that complex and expensive marketing is unnecessary and useless.
When I first started in business I was chasing shiny objects. I thought I needed certain tools, tactics and resources I couldn't afford. I thought I needed to learn new skills, buy more books and certifications.

It seemed that traditional methods weren't working for me. It made me feel stupid. I kept following everyone's advice yet, all I got in return was the feeling of being super frustrated.

There were days I just wanted to scream! 

Ever feel that way? If so you are not alone!

Then finally, after squashing my ego and agreeing to obtain some help from a coach with a proven system, I was able to STOP JUGGLING SO MUCH. 

I finally had a breakthrough, an ah-ha moment that finally brought me the influence and status upgrade I desperately needed. It lead me to sheer excitement, peace, joy, freedom  and all the benefits and solutions I had been searching for all those years.
Brad A. Milford
Brad Milford is business strategist, mental mastery expert and entrepreneurial product developer. 

U.S. Navy veteran and world traveler, he has built eight corporations and led, managed and grown more than a dozen businesses from 0-7 figures and beyond. He is best known for his wealth and brilliance system, and is founder of the online community, corporation and movement UNleashed and UNlimited.  Speaker, author and podcaster, his global impact continues to expand. 

What Will Life Be Like when You Too Have The Success and FREEDOM 
Imagine having even just a few of these benefits you've been longing for: 

Unlimited, Uncapped and Infinite Potential Unapologetically...

Unlimited Leadership Potential with Higher Degrees of Influence...

Unlimited status upgrade with high impact people and contacts... 

How amazing would it be to have all this without having to waste time and money like so many others do?

It doesn't have to be a struggle! 
It's so much easier, lighter, happier, better and brighter when simple and easy solutions are placed into our lives.
Now There's the New...
Brilliant Mindset Blueprint!!!
Three simple weeks 21 days of challenges for NO MORE THAN 20 minutes 
a day and you to can have it all!
You may not know yet...
I'm Well Known for 
Just wait Until You See What's Included In The Offer...
Secret #1: Purpose 
Shift your feelings to a focused state to become the brilliant,
unstoppable leader you are.
• Nested Vision & Mission and How Exciting It Is For Your Future
• Dealing With Adversity and ChangeThe Easy Way
• The Inner Workings Of A Strong and Sustainable Mindset

Secret #2: Priority
The Most Useful Tips Most Don't Know Regarding Priority.
• Unbreakable Foundations of Business
• Keys to Positive Indifference
• Targeting the Right Audience
• Your Brilliant Client Avatar
  And Much More...
Secret #3: Productivity
What is Essential That You Must Know About Productivity.
• The Six Steps to Riches
• Personal/Professional Development Plans and Template
• Pareto Principle
• Pomodoro Technique
  And Much More...
And, many exclusive bonuses you can't get anywhere else!
Video Mini Series on Public Speaking
Super Bonus #1 - 5 part Video Mini Series
The number one skill that will increase your credibility, influence & leadership skills as well as your bottom line.

You may think effective speakers are born that way. In fact, public speaking is a skill that can be learned.
The good news is that, with the right public speaking techniques, you can improve your public speaking skills and become an effective speaker.

Dale Carnegie Secrets of Success
Super Bonus #2 - Dale Carnegie 30 Secrets of Success
Founded in 1912, Dale Carnegie Training has evolved from one man's belief in the power of self improvement to a performance-based training company with offices worldwide. Training is focused on giving people in business the opportunity to sharpen their skills and improve their performance in order to build positive, steady and profitable results.
Put Your Dream To The Test 
Super Bonus #3 - 12 Video Training
DO YOU DREAM BIG?Now you can put your dream to the test and bring it to life!

What s the difference between a dreamer and someone who achieves a dream? According to best-selling author Dr. John Maxwell, the answer lies in answering ten powerful, yet straightforward, questions. ...
 How to create a foundation NOW rather than the expense of  rebuilding later...
 How to remove any upper limits to have rapid acceleration in your business... 
 How to build a sustainable business mindset that will keep your sights on point...
Highly exclusive and Proven Training
A One time limited offer!
100% Money Back Guarantee
This course is for those who are serious about growth and rapid acceleration. It is not for dabblers, mediocre or complacent people or for the average. 
It's ONLY for people just like YOU!
Now it's time....
It's Time To Lead Like the Powerhouse You Were Born To be!
Ready to master your MINDSET and create a sustainable and "hyper profitable" foundation?

I’m a firm believer that if you’re doing what you love, it's worth your quality time. 

Life is a temporary commission why not set your soul on fire?

Clarity in your business is the #1 thing you need to be successful. 

A lot of times, when people struggle to grow their business it all boils down to one seemingly tiny thing.

Part of the challenge is that a person can be super clear on one topic but confused and vague on another.

Many know exactly what they want to sell, but have no idea who to sell to. 

See, everything needs to be cohesive and aligned in order for your business to really rain down profit.

So, what’s the first step to gain clarity, focus and FREEDOM in your business?


Which is exactly what you'll gain through the Brilliant Mindset Blueprint along with much much more!!!
Here’s A Recap Of
When You Purchase The 
Brilliant Mindset Blueprint TODAY ONLY!
  • ​The Inner Workings Of A Strong and Sustainable Mindset ($297 Value)
  • ​The Foundation of Business and The Brilliant Client Avatar ($297 Value)
  • ​Personal/Professional Develop Plan and The Six Steps to Riches ($297 Value)
  • ​Super Bonus #1  5 Part Video Mini Series on Public Speaking ($147 Value)
  • ​Super Bonus #2 Dale Carnegie - 30 Secrets of Success eBook ($47 Value)
  • Super Bonus #3 Put Your Dream To The Test - 12 Video Training ($497 Value)
Total Value: $1582
Regular price: $247
But today ONLY,  before the price triples, you're getting all of this...
AND I continually build on to add value to the course...
Today Only $47
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

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